Introduction to TIG welding and basic operating procedures

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Tungsten Inert Gas, abbreviated as TIG. The literal translation is tungsten inert gas welding, generally called non-melting arc gas shielded welding. Inert gas shielded arc welding using pure tungsten or activated tungsten (thorium tungsten, cerium tungsten, zirconium tungsten, lanthanum tungsten) as a non-melting electrode has high quality but slow speed. TIG refers to non-melting arc gas shielded welding. It is an arc welding method that uses external gas as a protective medium. Its advantages are good visibility of the arc and molten pool, easy operation; no slag or very little slag, and no need for post-welding Clean the slag. However, special wind protection measures need to be taken when working outdoors.

Welding process(1)

TIG welding itself is an open arc operation, which allows you to observe the shape and flow of the molten pool very well, which is much superior to electrode arc welding.

Welding process(2)

The biggest key is to control the stability of the hand during welding to avoid shaking and burning the docking electrode, causing tungsten to be trapped in the molten pool. The control method can be to use the index finger holding the welding gun to support the pipe or plate to be welded. The extension length of the tungsten electrode can be selected according to the depth of the breach, generally 3-5mm.

The wire feeding method can be selected according to the size of the break. When the break angle is small, the welding wire can be placed in the middle of the molten pool and fed continuously. When the break is large, you can use point-feeding wire on both sides (you need to be very skilled to avoid hitting the docking pole), and the welding gun moves left and right to make the edges fused well.

Regarding the full fish scale pattern on the surface, according to the examination and competition scoring standards, the TIG weld reinforcement is generally 0~2MM, and the surface is smooth without undercuts, pores, cracks, or unfused.

Welding process operating procedures:

1. Argon arc welding must be operated by a dedicated person.

2. Check whether the equipment and tools are in good condition before working.

3. Check whether the welding power source and control system have ground wires, and add lubricating oil to the transmission part. The rotation must be normal, and the argon gas and water sources must be smooth. If there is water leakage, please notify us immediately for repair.

4. Check whether the welding gun is normal and whether the ground wire is reliable.

5. Check whether the high-frequency arc ignition system and welding system are normal, and whether the wire and cable joints are reliable. For automatic wire electrode argon arc welding, also check whether the adjustment mechanism and wire feeding mechanism are intact.

6. Select the polarity according to the material of the workpiece and connect the welding circuit. For general materials, use DC forward connection. For aluminum and aluminum alloys, use reverse connection or AC power supply.

7. Check whether the welding groove is qualified. There should be no oil, rust, etc. on the surface of the groove. Oil and rust must be removed within 200mm on both sides of the weld.

8. For those using tire molds, check their reliability, and for welding parts that need to be preheated, check the preheating equipment and temperature measuring instruments.

9. The argon arc welding control button must not be far away from the arc so that it can be turned off at any time in case of failure.

10. When using high-frequency arc ignition, you must always check whether there is leakage.

11. If the equipment fails, the power should be cut off for maintenance, and operators are not allowed to make repairs by themselves.

12. You are not allowed to be naked or exposed to other parts near the arc. You are not allowed to smoke or eat near the arc to avoid inhaling ozone and smoke into the body.

13. When grinding thoriated tungsten poles, you must wear masks and gloves, and follow the operating procedures of the grinder. It is best to use cerium tungsten electrode (the amount of radiation is smaller). The grinder must be equipped with an exhaust device.

14. Operators should wear electrostatic dust masks at all times. Minimize the time of high-frequency electricity exposure during operation. Continuous work shall not exceed 6 hours.

15. The argon arc welding work site must be well ventilated. Ventilation and detoxification equipment should be turned on during work. When the ventilation device fails, it should stop working.

16. Argon gas bottles are not allowed to be smashed. They must be placed with a stand and kept at least 3 meters away from open flames.

17. When performing argon arc welding inside the container, a special mask should be worn to reduce the inhalation of harmful fumes. There should be someone outside the container to monitor and cooperate.

18. Thoriated tungsten rods should be stored in lead boxes to avoid injuring people due to the radioactive dose exceeding safety regulations when a large number of thoriated tungsten rods are gathered together.


Appreciation of welding process:

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