Safety operating requirements for electric welding operations

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In order to eliminate unsafe factors of the welding machine and avoid electric shock accidents, welders should operate the welding machine according to the following requirements.

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Electric welding operations are special operations. Operators must undergo professional safety technical training, pass the examination, hold a “Special Operations Operation Certificate” before they are allowed to work independently, and wear insulating protective equipment as required.

2. Welding pliers

Use qualified welding pliers. The ability to firmly clamp the welding rod and reliably connect with the cable is the key to keeping the welding clamp from overheating. The welding clamp must have good insulation properties, and the use of homemade simple welding clamps is prohibited.

3.Welding arc

In order to avoid the radiation of the arc light to the human body, it is not allowed to directly watch the arc light with your eyes or peek away from the protective mask at a close distance. When multiple welding machines are operating, non-flammable or flame-retardant protective screens should be installed. Use absorbent materials as interior wall finishes to reduce the reflection of arc light. Ensure lighting in the workplace and eliminate the occurrence of wearing a mask after ignition due to unclear vision of the welding seam. Filter color numbers are not allowed to be changed at will. Reform the process and change hand-held welding to automatic or semi-automatic welding, so that welders can work far away from the welding location.

4.Welding fumes

For protection against metal smoke and harmful gases, appropriate protective equipment should be reasonably selected according to different welding processes and locations. Choose local and comprehensive ventilation methods in terms of technical measures. In the process, choose the one that pollutes the environment less or is mechanized. Measures such as a high degree of automation and the use of low-dust and low-toxic welding rods are used to reduce smoke concentration and toxicity.

5.Burn protection

To prevent welding burns, work clothes, work shoes, and a work cap should be worn. Work clothes should be made of pure cotton with thick texture and good anti-scalding effect. Pay attention to protecting your feet and do not wear easily soluble chemical fiber socks. The area around the welding area should be clean, the welding rods should be stacked together, and the hot and cold welding rods should be placed separately. When handling welding rod slag, tie your collar and wear protective glasses to reduce burns.

6.Flammable and explosive items

Inflammable and explosive items should be removed from the welding site in advance, and a fire tray should be set up under high-altitude welding. Welding operations should not be carried out in the roof of a house or near stacks of flammable materials. When combustible gas pipelines and equipment are connected to other equipment, the connecting pipelines should be removed or blocked.

7.Electric shock accident

In order to avoid electric shock accidents, the grounding of the welding machine and the wiring points must be in good contact. The electrical insulation jacket is not damaged. Changing the welding machine connector requires changing the return line twice. Wear insulating gloves when moving the working location or replacing welding rods. When welding on metal containers or metal structures and in small workplaces, rubber mats, insulating gloves, and insulating shoes should be used. The insulation of the welding clamp shell must be reliable. Do not work outdoors in rain or snow. It is not allowed to use itself and the machine transmission part as part of the welding circuit. The installation, repair and inspection of welding equipment are performed by electricians. Do not disassemble, repair or replace the fuse without authorization.Welding Operations

8.Welding cable

(1)When welding cables use multi-stranded thin copper wires without joints, they should be connected and compacted with the welding machine terminals using wiring lugs to prevent loose contact, overheating and sparks caused by random winding. A protective cover should be installed on the wiring bolt.

(2)The length of welding cable generally does not exceed 20~30m. If it is too long, the voltage drop of the wire will increase.

(3)When the welding cable crosses the channel, protective measures such as protective sleeves and pipes must be taken.

(4)It is strictly prohibited to use scaffolding, metal railings, rails and other metal objects to replace wires to prevent fires and electric shock accidents due to poor contact.

9.Welding does not allow overloading

It is not allowed to overload the welding machine during use, otherwise it will burn the welding machine or cause a fire due to overheating, and overloading will cause insulation damage, and may also cause electric leakage and electric shock.Welding Operations

10.Welding inspection

Before welding, you should first check whether the welding machine equipment and tools are safe, such as whether the welding machine is grounded and the contact between each wiring point is good, and whether the insulation jacket of the welding cable is damaged, etc.Welding Operations


Before welding on the equipment, the grounding or neutral wire of the equipment should be removed first, and then restored after welding.

12.Check environment

Before carrying out electric welding work, the working environment should be checked, dangerous factors should be eliminated and monitoring personnel should be set up. When working too close to other personnel and related facilities, screens and safety intervals should be used to ensure operational safety. When welding at height, safety belts must be hung up.


Welders should wear insulating gloves when replacing welding rods.

14.Insulation protection

When welding on metal structures in metal containers and other small working places, the risk of electric shock is greatest, and special protective measures must be taken. For example, use rubber pads, leather gloves, and insulating shoes to ensure the insulation between the welder’s body and the weldment. It is prohibited to use simple welding pliers without insulating shell.

15.Cut off power

When changing the welding machine joints or replacing welding parts, the secondary circuit needs to be reconnected, or the working location is moved, the welding machine is suspended for maintenance or off duty, the power must be cut off before operation can be carried out.

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